Saturday, January 28, 2006

CAVE people.

My dad was talking about his amazing plan for energy conservation in this country. Not a bad plan, focuses heavily on renewable resources, as all good energy plans should. At one point he mentioned that wind power should be utilized far more than it already is. "But some people don't like windmills," I said. "Yes," he said, "But those are the CAVE people." "Cave people?" I asked. "Yeah," he said, "Citizens Against Virtually Everything."

I know quite a few members of this organization. Though they may object to being called an organization. Meh.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I am taking applications for a pig-sitter.

Katie: "I will SO walk your pig. I'm serious."

My poor little guinea pig. He's been so neglected lately, since I've been insanely busy with school and such. Guinea pigs have a small but significant vocabulary of squeaks they make to communicate, and yesterday I definitely got the "Pay attention to me!" squeak. Poor baby.

So in any case, Katie has offered to come and play with him. Seems like a good deal to me. She has even offered to get a leash for him and walk him down the street. I think he might make it about half a block. But you never know, he might just enjoy the fresh air.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

To Do List

  • Kick the GRE's ass


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

But is it art?

The first picture is the result of my latest endeavor. Fabric on gessoed wood, if anyone cares.

The other picture is the mess I made in attempting to complete this. I am now off to clean up said mess. But look, it's like a scavenger hunt, kids! How many pairs of scis
sors did I use?

Wonder if the neighbors will frown upon my vacuuming at 10:30p. Oh well.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

yeah i don't know either.

Fabric, acrylic, glitter, fabric paint, and paper on canvas.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Maybe a little obsessed...

Ever since I've gotten the iPod, and even before that, I've been a big fan of podcasts. There are so many random people with microphones out there. Here are some of my current favorites:

  • The Naked Scientists covers different science topics each week, and they always have several experts on said topics. It's humorous and informative, and as an added bonus, you get to hear some fun British slang every once in awhile.
  • The Catholic Insider is a website made by Fr. Roderick Vonhögen from the Archdiocese of Utrecht, in the Netherlands. He does a daily show that obviously deals with Catholic topics, but I think that even non-Catholics might find it interesting. He also does podcasts that discuss Narnia, Harry Potter, and other pop culture phenomena, and the symbolism (Christian, Pagan, historical, etc) within them. Very interesting! He's a seems like quite a down-to-earth guy who happens to be up on a lot of the latest technology.
  • The Nature Podcast is done by Dr. Chris Smith, the same guy who's responsible for the Naked Scientists. He does interviews with the authors of recent studies from the journal Nature. Some of you more scientifically-minded people might enjoy it (I'm looking at you, Kira).
  • Yet another science one. This time it's Slacker Astronomy, which covers the latest in astronomy news. The have bad humor instead of math, so it's pretty good.
  • And finally (for now), the News Hour with Jim Lehrer. Cause I'm too lazy tragically hip to turn on the TV.
I keep myself amused. The internet, what can't it do? ("Cook," says Kira. "Make my roommate take a shower," says Paul. A plague on both your houses! The internets are great!)