Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The cure for senioritis

I'll admit it: I am so over the whole school thing. I don't want to go to class (not that that's particularly unusual). I don't want to do homework (again, I suppose that's normal). However, the problem is that this lack of motivation has reached epic proportions. It's threatening my academic wellbeing.

I was supposed to do my practice seminar on Monday. Ah, seminar. The crowning achievement of my undergraduate career. I was completely unprepared. I was panicking, to be honest. As I was walking to the lecture hall, it occurred to me that I hadn't even written the requisite abstract for this damn seminar. Oh dear. Problem. My heart was racing, I was breaking into a cold sweat, and then: I noticed the crowds of people milling about outside the science buildings. Hmm. Fire drill? Nope, even better.

Bromine spill.

Bromine! My saving grace! Some tool had spilled 100 mL of it, had forgotten the thiosulfate, and had caused the evacuation of the buildings for around three hours. This chump was my salvation. Of course, I still need to present this silly seminar, but as for Monday, life was good.

So, my dear friends, if you've been suffering from senioritis as I have, then perhaps you should pray for a little bromine.

Monday, February 13, 2006


After a week dedicated to the Vagina Monologues, I guess I was inspired. So here it is, my most recent (and perhaps most disturbing) 3D design project thus far.