Decided to change it up a little.
Well, I've had this blog in its current incarnation for about one year now, so I decided it needed a little makeover. Not entirely sure if I like it yet, but it's something to play around with.
And occasionally takes pictures.
Well, I've had this blog in its current incarnation for about one year now, so I decided it needed a little makeover. Not entirely sure if I like it yet, but it's something to play around with.
Scribbled by Lisa at 11:23 AM 0 enlightened thoughts
Since everyone's been asking me how it was, here's a little excerpt from my journal, re: Santa Fe.
Santa Fe is a refuge for aging hippies and 30-something art-types. The air smells of wood smoke and red chiles. There are about a million art galleries. Public art everywhere. The people are friendly; you can strike up a conversation with just about anyone.
All the buildings are adobe. Office buildings, houses, churches: adobe. They are the same colors as the desert. Soft, gentle hues that commune with the surroundings.
The city itself is situated on a high desert plain. The desert is full of amazing colors, and the colors change as the cun passes overhead. The sky is just huge. Huge and clear and blue. The air itself is thinner. Less oxygen. But amazing. The clarity of the light in the thinner atmosphere. Ah! Sigh!
And just past the city in every direction are the mountains. They are still snow-capped, even in March. Beautiful.
Well. Yeah. I had a good time. And you can see a few of the pictures I took. I'll probably post more at some point.
Scribbled by Lisa at 8:18 PM 0 enlightened thoughts
I am going to California tomorrow. Suckas.
Scribbled by Lisa at 7:28 AM 1 enlightened thoughts
So, we have no school today because...*shakes magic 8 ball*'s raining?
Sometimes I think this school is insane. I mean, I guess the roads might have been icy this morning (I wouldn't know, of course, as I didn't roll out of bed til about noon), but honestly, things are totally fine now, and I was quite shocked to realize we didn't have school.
Scribbled by Lisa at 10:31 AM 1 enlightened thoughts