Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Chemistry will be the death of me.

I tried to post before, but the Internets ate it. Tragic, truly.

Tonight was my final in analytical chemistry (or "anal chem" as Dr. Frost calls it). I really didn't care how I did on it, as I previously calculated that I'd need a 120% to pass the class. My chances of acheiving that? Slim to none, and slim just rode out of town on a fast horse. Oh well. I will have to pass it eventually, but for now, I'm just glad it's over.

Upon pondering why I am so mediocre at school these days, I was reminded by Katie that the science program is intended to weed people out and make them fail. "But why me? Why am I being weeded??" I wailed. "Well", she said gingerly, "I think that most other science majors study. A lot. Like, all day. Hardcore studying." Perhaps she has a point. Perhaps if I cracked a book open once in a while I'd have an easier time. The fact remains, however, that I hate chemistry with an undying passion, and to have to spend any more time on it than I already do would be infinitely more torturous. Alas, the torment of the natural sciences!

In any case, I have one more final this week, and then I'm home free! For the weekend, anyway. Then it's on to the next big adventure, in this case, art classes. They may end up being a bloodbath, but anything's got to be better than analytical!


k.d. said...

science majors study?!?! nevah!

Anonymous said...

hey... u made me sound mean! and if i wans mean i didn't mean to be mean. that was a lot of means. anyway, after today you are science free untill the fall.

maybe ur not doing well in chem b/c God's got other plans for u, like physc.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, You are such a good writer!!! quit science and pick up journaling... it's sooo much cooler! I love reading your blog. Talk to you soon! love, cousin erin.

Anonymous said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah art!

hey- transfer to my school and take fibers. bestbestbest elective ever. "ok, girls, today we're going to learn how to make felt! next week- weaving!" best!

Anonymous said...

Anal Chem is for weird people who enjoy spending countless hours carrying out 3 page long calculations only to discover that they did the first step wrong anyway and all the sig figs are off by like 5. You know people like Starn who ends up being the only one awake at the end of lecture and thats only because he cant sleep standing up! Enjoy your art class and being away from the chem for a while. The whole cracking the book thing, those books are SOOOO boring, an occasional pretty picture but mostly just painful!

Anonymous said...

just have to have faith in fate! what will be will be. If chem isnt your strong point then you were meant to do something else. But now I sound like a fortune cookie! Hey, Albert Einstein failed Algebra.