Saturday, March 26, 2005

Coffee Talk

Attention coffee addicts: You may be the unwitting victim of liberal propaganda. Your morning Starbucks latte may be poisoned with such ideas as environmentalism and reducing the national debt. Quelle horreur!

Evidently, the latest Starbucks campaign is pissing off conservatives to an extreme, according to this article. I find this amusing. You see, the company has been putting quotes on the side of their coffee cups, and admittedly, these quotes have a bit of a left-ward slant to them. (The last time we were sipping our cafe mochas, Katie and I were remarking that we liked them. Not surprising, really.) However, conservatives have been up in arms over these stupid coffee cups for not including more conservative quotes. I say, however, if you don't like the quotes, don't read them, and if they really piss you off, get your coffee somewhere else! People need to calm down and have some dip. Maybe they should cut down on their caffeine intake. Meh.


Anonymous said...

I knew I loved Starbucks for more then their coffee! ;O)

Anonymous said...

while i'm certainly not inclined to go into a starbucks to check it out, i'm rather curious as to what sort of quotes are getting everyone all riled up! i imagine something along the lines of "you're going to die someday. think about this." or "the milk contained in this coffee came from cows injected with high doses of steriods and antibiotics." would ruffle some feathers, though.

Anonymous said...

Actually... I don't think the quotes are that liberal... haha... that maybe b/c I am so far left I may fall off the earth! j/k.

I went this morning. Yes, I am a coffee whore! And my quote reads:

After traveling to and perfoming in more than 50 countries, I've realized that no matter what laws were created for the people, songs and music seemed to transced everything. Government can be cancerous to civilization therefore I've also relized that althought born in one country, I claim to be a citizen of the world instead of arrogantly above it.
~Chuck D

I very much like how he looks at the world! But them again I wish I was a citizen of Canada!

Anonymous said...

Actually... I don't think the quotes are that liberal... haha... that maybe b/c I am so far left I may fall off the earth! j/k.

I went this morning. Yes, I am a coffee whore! And my quote reads:

After traveling to and perfoming in more than 50 countries, I've realized that no matter what laws were created for the people, songs and music seemed to transced everything. Government can be cancerous to civilization therefore I've also relized that althought born in one country, I claim to be a citizen of the world instead of arrogantly above it.
~Chuck D

I very much like how he looks at the world! But them again I wish I was a citizen of Canada!

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I have not idea why that posted twice...
~the coffee whore

k.d. said...

caroline's coffee cup thought: "you're going to die someday. think about this." it sent me into a fit of giggles. probably because i'm a sick fuck. i dunno. (shrugs)

Lisa said...

Caroline acts like there is something wrong with steroids and antibiotics. Whateva.
