Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How to kill time.

Is it a sign of an obsession that I've only begun knitting about a month ago and I've already made two scarves, a hat, a belt, three dishclothes, and a few random practice swatches? Obsession, or perhaps just a sign of how anxious I've been. Knitting is calming, and I need to be calmed like whoa jeez now.

So here are a few pictures of the latest:

These dishcloths are easy to make (and so functional!), so if anyone wants one (or a bunch), let me know. I've got lots of colors of this yarn, so the color possibilities are practically endless.

Today, I did a logcabin pattern. I eventually hope to make a full-size blanket in this type of pattern, but with less hideous colors of course. And nicer yarn. This square was made from random leftover cotton yarn, but I think it's sort of interesting and might make a nice blanket.

Only a few more days til I move. Five to be exact. Scary! Other than running random errands, knitting, drinking tea, and baking, I haven't been doing much. I'm trying not to fret too much. The good news is that little Lisa has a big girl job interview next Tuesday. That's pretty exciting. I hope I get this job. Or any job. But this one would be good.

It's still raining. Sigh.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Long lost twin?

When my mom took Ian back to school, they went downtown to do some shopping and happened to pop into a store that sells stuffed animals. Knowing how upset I was about not being able to take my guinea pig with me when I move, they decided to buy a stuffed animal to cheer me up a little. I think they made a pretty good choice:

The color similarity is uncanny. It was an awesome gift, and it really made me smile. Beaker had a good time chewing on his stuffed counterpart. Cuteness!

In other news, it has been raining and cold here, and I hope that there will be nicer weather in the desert. In the meantime, I've been drinking tea and knitting. Whatever it takes to pass the time, I guess.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Laptop party.

Quality times.

In other news, I'm very bitter because my new apartment people called to tell me that in fact guinea pigs are not welcome there. Less than two weeks before I move in. I'm furious because had I known that, I would have found somewhere else to live! I can't handle incompetent people. So my pig must stay home, at least until I'm able to find a new apartment. So we'll see how it goes. Growl.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In which the job search continues...

I was a wee bit afraid that my blog had been lost forever, what with the fantastic new ability to use Blogger with a Google account. But it all worked out, and here I am typing yet another inane entry that perhaps no one will read. Good times!

So the nanny job I was applying for fell through because my school hours were simply incompatible. Blast you, grad school! However, I continue the search. My next step will be applying for a chemistry job at Los Alamos National Laboratory. That would be ridiculous if it works, since they pretty much want analytical chemists (that particular discipline being the bane of my existence). But working at Los Alamos would be amazing, and it would be nice to put the ol' chem degree to some good use. So we'll see. The search continues.

I'm excited to see that Sara now has a blog. Everyone should have a blog. Blogs are super.

Countdown: 12 days.

Monday, August 14, 2006

No place like NEPA?

Aside from knitting and packing, I have been trying once again to find a job. Difficulty: 1900 miles away. Presently, I'm attempting to turn my life into a real-life version of The Nanny Diaries. I'm hoping it all works out with my school schedule and whatnot. If not, it's back to the classifieds for me.

I'm feeling slightly...erm...nervous about the move. Added challenge: effin terrorists and new security regulations at airports. More things to stress me out. I mean, not that I care about the terrorists. I mean, what are the chances that they would want to be flying to Albuquerque anyway? Slim to none, and slim just rode out of town on a fast horse. However, the TSA people can be a bit intimidating. (And they always yell at you in Philly. Always!) Plus, I really like being able to drink water whenever I want. So does my guinea pig, who will be my traveling companion. Sigh.

Despite the constant gnawing anxiety before my move, I'm enjoying living at home. It occurs to me that this may be the last time I'm home for any great length of time. It's a bit sad. There are advantages to staying home. However, I'm determined not to become that 35-year-old living in her parents' basement. Nope. Time to pretend I'm a big girl!

Life is pretty good at the moment. I'm feeling very blessed by many things, including but not limited to free knitting patterns, home-cooked meals, nighttime cold medicine, tearable packing tape, and of course, all my lovely friends. Aww.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


First project: done. Someday I'll make something fancy like a sweater.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Purls of wisdom

My latest addiction? Knitting. Oh yes. It started off innocently enough, but now I'm completely hooked. I've knitted almost an entire scarf already, and I only started it on Monday. It's so soothing to knit...it's provided plenty of distraction from my moving woes.

My other new toy is my new HP laptop. I'm very excited about it, as my old computer was painfully slow. Additionally, having a laptop beats lugging a desktop across the country. So that's pretty fun.

Other than that, all I have been doing lately is fretting about moving. I kinda just want to be there already, so I can stop worrying about what will happen once I'm there!