Monday, August 14, 2006

No place like NEPA?

Aside from knitting and packing, I have been trying once again to find a job. Difficulty: 1900 miles away. Presently, I'm attempting to turn my life into a real-life version of The Nanny Diaries. I'm hoping it all works out with my school schedule and whatnot. If not, it's back to the classifieds for me.

I'm feeling slightly...erm...nervous about the move. Added challenge: effin terrorists and new security regulations at airports. More things to stress me out. I mean, not that I care about the terrorists. I mean, what are the chances that they would want to be flying to Albuquerque anyway? Slim to none, and slim just rode out of town on a fast horse. However, the TSA people can be a bit intimidating. (And they always yell at you in Philly. Always!) Plus, I really like being able to drink water whenever I want. So does my guinea pig, who will be my traveling companion. Sigh.

Despite the constant gnawing anxiety before my move, I'm enjoying living at home. It occurs to me that this may be the last time I'm home for any great length of time. It's a bit sad. There are advantages to staying home. However, I'm determined not to become that 35-year-old living in her parents' basement. Nope. Time to pretend I'm a big girl!

Life is pretty good at the moment. I'm feeling very blessed by many things, including but not limited to free knitting patterns, home-cooked meals, nighttime cold medicine, tearable packing tape, and of course, all my lovely friends. Aww.

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