Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In which the job search continues...

I was a wee bit afraid that my blog had been lost forever, what with the fantastic new ability to use Blogger with a Google account. But it all worked out, and here I am typing yet another inane entry that perhaps no one will read. Good times!

So the nanny job I was applying for fell through because my school hours were simply incompatible. Blast you, grad school! However, I continue the search. My next step will be applying for a chemistry job at Los Alamos National Laboratory. That would be ridiculous if it works, since they pretty much want analytical chemists (that particular discipline being the bane of my existence). But working at Los Alamos would be amazing, and it would be nice to put the ol' chem degree to some good use. So we'll see. The search continues.

I'm excited to see that Sara now has a blog. Everyone should have a blog. Blogs are super.

Countdown: 12 days.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Thanks for the PR on my Blog Lisa! Love you! Hope the Guinea Pig makes it soon to Santa Fe!! He'll be in prayer!